How To Help

Thank you for wanting to get involved with our playground project!  This is a huge task and no single person could do this on their own.  There are a few ways that you can get involved with Play4All.

Talk About It!

The best way you can help us is to spread the word!  Mention it at your next family gathering, over dinner with your friends, to your coworkers at lunch.  The more people that know about Play4All the better.

Share It!

Follow us on Facebook and share our posts.  Sharing the posts boosts them a wider audience than we could ever hope to do ourselves, and all it takes is a few button pushes from you! 

Join our Events!

We are planning several fundraising events for the next year where 100% of the proceeds will go towards the playground fund.  From vendor fairs to a 5k, there will be an event for nearly everyone to participatein.


We will not be able to do this without generous donations from our community members!  As this is a non-profit, all donations will be tax-deductible.  We are currently working on ways to acknowledge donors so stay tuned!